Hedwig - Gen Arts Dressing Room - 7/14/99 page 1

Gen Arts Festival - Culturama II
Wednesday, July 14th, 1999

The Altman Building, NYC

Dressing Room - 6 pm

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Make-up Artist Mike Potter applies foundation

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Michael removes his earrings

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Dabs powder

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Michael paints his nails with blue glitter polish

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eyebrow pencil...

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Michael speaks with Cory who plays Yitsak

Ted tries out one of the inflatable chairs in the dressing room

Do not try this at home!

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Next goes the eyeshadow..

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Then Mike Potter tells a story that a drag queen once whispered to him
on the dangers of using glitter near the eye..

A story so terrifying, we shall not repeat it here...

eye make complete

Beginning the lips...

Mike uses a trick of another famous rock star

to create a subtle pout

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"I'm ready for my close-up Mr. DeMille..."

Michael applies his own mascara

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