Lady's Maid

The three of them are probably my absolute favorites and they are the three Kates. Three girls named Kate and they are from Ireland. And they are going to America to find a better life. As they sit in the third class dining room- one of them - Kate McGowan begins to talk about what she expects to find in America. And she is very plucky and very bright.
- Maury Yeston

There weren't jobs to be had at that time so they were sent to America to
sort of menial task labors type jobs to send their money back to support
their family for the rest of their lives and they may never ever get to see their
families again.
- Jennifer Piech, Kate McGowan

What's thrilling about the development of that moment in the show is that the
dreams of the Kates are picked up by other immigrants and by the end of the
song they are all singing about what they want to do.
- Maury Yeston

Everybody gets swept up in this dream about their own possibilities and it sort
of rises to this grandeur of "I want to be a millionaire. I want to be a constable.
So everybody is looking with hope toward America.
- Jennifer Piech

The Second Class dreamed of having the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
The first class dreamed that their control and prominence over the world
would last forever. That the party would never end. And when that ship hit
the iceberg - every single one of those dreams crashed at the same time.
- Maury Yeston

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